5 Tips to study effectively


 Many of us when it comes to studying for exams, we just care about the number of hours we will be spending to study and we forget the results behind it. Instead of spending hours and hours to finish your tasks, search for techniques to develop your good study habits.

   In today's post, I share with you five tips to help you study more effectively.

Tip 01: Create your memory palace!

   Most students think that they cannot memorize a word when it comes to studying which is not true. All of us have the power of memory, but others seem to be careless to develop it. The only way to discover this power is to look for it and develop it.

   Try to walk through the place you like studying in and place objects in specific places, then match them with things you want to learn. I guarantee you, if you seriously put your mind to it, you will be able to remember the terms you learned by imagining the objects you put previously.

Tip 02: Explain to somebody!

   When you teach someone else, you have to work harder to understand the materials to record it more accurately and apply them effectively. There is a technique that is called the Feynman technique which is a mental model to convey information using concise thoughts and simple language.

   The technique is the following:

1)Write the name of the concept on the top of a blank piece of paper.

2)Write down the concept as if you are teaching someone else.

3)Identify what is missing, then go back to re-learn it.

4)Review everything and simplify it as much as possible.

Tip 03: Use your own Strategy!

   Practicing tests and spacing out your learning is scientifically proven to be a high way of effectiveness. You do not have to follow your friend's strategy, you have to create your own strategy. Study smarter, not harder.

Tip 04: Take breaks!

   It is proven that you remember the unfinished tasks better than completed ones because when you interrupt the task, it creates task-specific tension which can improve your cognitive function.

    Try to interrupt yourself from time to time by taking breaks from one hour to another. Take a break of 5 or 10 minutes when you can  go to eat, play the piano, sing your favorite song, listen to music, take a quick bath...etc.

Tip 05: Space your study out!

    Scientists looked at 254 studies involving more than 14,000 students which shows that students involve more after the spaced study than cramming. At the end of the day, you have to do what works best for you. Getting to sleep early, eating healthy food, exercising, explaining what you learned for someone else, and practicing tests will absolutely help you to study more effectively.

   Now, you know what the techniques are to study more effectively, so it is your turn now to prepare effectively and to focus on the right things.


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