5 Tips to have a miracle morning


  Whoever you are and wherever you are, today is a new day that so many people are not blessed to have.

  I want to tell you that whatever has happened in the past is gone. Start each day with five minutes of powerful energy, of the positive impact that can change your entire life.

  In this post, I share five tips that if you are consistent, disciplined, and committed, It will completely transform your life.

  Are you ready to take your life to a whole higher level?

  Here you go!

Tip 01: Sleep early!

  Try to go to bed early and have the chance to seep from 6 to 8 hours each night. Sleeping early will help you to wake up early, so do your best to stick with this habit.

Tip 02: You must exercise!

  Studies show that working out is important because It creates a strong mind. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins which trigger a positive feeling in your body.

Tip 03: Be grateful!

  Ask yourself, what are you grateful for right now in your life? I am sure you get plenty.

  If you ask any successful and happy person what they are grateful for, they will be able to real off many things that unhappy people take for granted.

Be grateful you are alive.

Be grateful you have your family alive.

Be grateful you have your ears, your mouth, and your eyes.

Be grateful you have the opportunity to decide to change your life.

  Start your day with appreciation and gratitude. Take at least ten minutes each day, write as many things as you can that you are grateful for ( Health, people, money, friends, family...etc).

  The more you are grateful the more you have the flow in your life that you can be grateful for.

  Let's take a small exercise; repeat the following sentences every morning:

-I am grateful

-I am grateful for my health.

-I am grateful for the opportunities that I have in my life.

I am grateful for my family, friends, and all people around me.

I am grateful for my spirit, for the person I am today.

I am grateful for this day, whatever it brings.

  How do you feel now? Better?

  Try it every morning, you will see how much productivity in your day.

Tip 04: Meditate every morning!

   Meditation allows you to access creativity beyond anything you have imagined. When your mind is quiet, your best ideas will follow, and your best decisions come to you.

  Start your day with at least ten minutes of meditation. Breathe in that air and be grateful you can; be present, and allows the miracles to become possible. Refresh your mind and take your life to a whole high level.

Tip 05: Remember your Why!

  Tell yourself, today I decide to live with purpose. Many people want to be successful and try to change their lives, but when it comes to commitment they quit. Why? because they do not know why they want what they want.

  If you feel lost or down, bring your attention to your purpose. You will live one time, so make it the best life ever.

Stick it in your mind, life is what you make it.

  Make it magical!


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