5 Tips to discover Who You Are!
Who am I?
What do I want from my life?
Once you have the answer, write it down.
Most people when asked that question can't answer it. They don't know what they want from their own life.
If you don't know where to go or how to know who you are, this post is then for you.
In the following lines, you will find 5 tips on how to find your purpose.
Tip 01: Ask yourself!
Get in space alone and ask yourself;
*Who am I?
*What do I want for my life?
* What do I need to live my best life?
* What is my purpose? Why must I do this?
*What legacy do I want to leave?
If you find the answers to these questions, you are on the right path to discover the real YOU!
Tip 02: Live your life!
Again, ask yourself:
Have you been living the life you want to live ? Or you are living the life others expect of you?
Have you settled for something you don't want, just so you can fit into this world because it was easy?
There is a saying that says:
"If you do what is easy,your life will be hard.If you do what is hard,you life will be easy."
Live the life you want and don't expect anything from others.
Don't care about how people think of you,because you will lose you.
Tip03: Remind yourself "You deserve better"
You deserve to live a life like yourself. Live your fullest potential, not only do you deserve it, but you owe it to the future generations to set that example.
You owe it to this world to inspire others to follow their dreams.
Give hope to everyone's life and remind them that life is a blesssing that we should be grateful for.
Be an example!
Tip 04: Take the decision!
Decide to live your best life while you are alive. We don't get long on this earth. Why not make it the best before we leave?
Why not leave a lasting impression on your family, friends, relatives, and the world?
Your life comes out to your decision and If you change your decision, you will change everything.
Tip 05: Be brave!
Self-discovery is a journey that needs courage and commitment. You need to live brave, happy to reach your goals in this journey.
Feeling happy is your true nature, so don't damage your life by changing who you are.
Be brave.
Here are some of the quotes that I find identical to this topic:
-"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom"-Aristotle
-"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others"-Mahatma Gandhi
-"You attract the right things when you have a sense of who you are"-KushAndWizdom
-"The only journey is the one within"-Rainer Maria Rilka.
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